The Silver Moon

Easily the most beautiful moon, the Silver Moon is welcomed as a good omen when it appears. The Silver Moon has the most irregular path in that it never seems to pass overhead along the same path or even direction; It can rise and set in almost any direction. Sometimes the Silver Moon will appear overhead three times a year, and other years it won’t appear at all.

The effects of the Silver Moon are not obvious, and one could argue it has no magical effects on Atruxia because only those that study it in depth say that the Silver Moon affects the mind. Those that study the magic of the Silver Moon are rumored to be able to tell the truth from lies, read people’s thoughts, and even implant new thoughts in others. However, so few study this moon that it is difficult to attribute such powers to the Silver Moon, or if it is just a manipulation of the raw magic that flows everywhere.

Most cultures view the Silver Moon as a good omen, but elven culture takes it farther than the rest. Those born under the Silver Moon are believed to be future leaders, great warriors, or prolific scholars. However, the Silver Moon does have a distinct black mark on it that stands out. Astronomers have identified this mark as a deep canyon on the moon’s surface, but elven society treats a marked SIlver Moon as an incredibly bad omen. Any child born under a marked Silver Moon is believed to be cursed, and they are branded with a special mark that matches the moon. These elves are called Glif Elves, and they are marked so that other elves don’t accidentally interact with them.


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