The Mud Moon

The smallest of the moons, the Mud Moon is the second closest moon to Atruxia, and for generations people believed it had no magical effects on Atruxia while in the sky. Modern magicians have since discovered that its presence in the sky does affect the internal workings of people, such as increasing blood pressure, indigestion, or irritable bowels (especially among goblins).

The Mud Moon’s name mostly comes from its reddish brown color, and that most people view it as an inferior moon. From what astronomers can tell, the Mud Moon is not made of mud, but made of a dusty red stone rich in iron.

Very few wizards study the Mud Moon, but the few that do say that the moon grants them the ability to manipulate their internal functions and even extend their own life. Those that attempt to use the Mud Moon’s magic and fail experience terrible deformities such as massive bumps or withered appendages.


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